Our Area of Expertise

Our Area of Expertise

We go out wıth the most suıtable carrıer system for you desıgn and your customers requests.

High Construct
In our country and all the over world hıgh-rıse buıldıng are ınscreasıng rapıdly , but the statıc desıgn of these constructıons ıs unfortunately not gıven the necessary car especıally ın your country . SDG Engineering takes care of these structures in its own category,and even though it is not in our country , it does so by makıng use of foreign regulations and specification and past experiences .

Schools, Culture and Art Centers
Schools,cultural centers, kongre center ,marriage halls, educational cultural facilities,such as neighborhoods,streets and even a specific identity of the city and give certain identity .such qualified structures ,especially if they are created with iconic design,are more exciting in terms of containment and engineering in this sense, we have produced many projects that we enjoy and continue to produce

Sports complexes incidents
We are proud to produce engineering projects by taking into account the aesthetic concerns of large-scale stadiums, field and infrastructure facilities and international competition houses that provide international standards .

Airport and Historical Works
We have produced a number of projects of the technical support buildings of the third istanbul Airport , which is the biggest airport in the world . we have given life to many historical artifacts by stacking and making wooden projects .